

1. Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Prof. Dr. Ramadhanil,  M.Si
2. Nama Suku (Keluarga) Pitopang
3. Pangkat/Golongan Pembina Tk. I (IV/d) (TMT 1 Oktober 2011)
4. Jabatan Fungsional Guru Besar
5. Jabatan Struktural Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Fakultas MIPA Universitas Tadulako Palu
6. NIP/NIK/No.Seri Karpeg 19640913 1990 03 01 001 / E. 909551
7. NIDN 0013096408
8. NPWP 14.581.436.4-831.000
9. Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Payakumbuh, 13 September 1964
10. Alamat  Rumah [content_protector password=”7777777″]Perumahan Dosen UNTAD Blok C9/1, Kel. Tondo, Kec. Mantikulore, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah (Kode pos: 94117)[/content_protector]
11. Nomor Telp/Fax / HP [content_protector password=”7777777″]+62(451) 4132214 / (+62)852 8856 0451[/content_protector]
12. Alamat Kantor Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Tadulako. Kampus Bumi Tadulako, Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km. 9, Tondo, Kec. Mantikulore, Palu – Sulawesi Tengah (Kode pos: 94118)
13. Nomor Telepon / Faks +62(451) 422611-422355 / +62(451) 422844
14. Alamat e-mail dan website pitopang_64@yahoo.com
15. Lulusan yang Telah Dihasilkan S1 = 52 orang (14 sedang studi)
S2 =   3 orang (5 sedang studi)
S3 =   1 orang (4 sedang studi)
16. Mata Kuliah yang Diampu
Semester Ganjil
  1. Biologi Umum (Jur. Kimia FMIPA UNTAD)
  2. Taksonomi Tumbuhan Tinggi
  3. Teknik Penelitian Sistimatik Tumbuhan
  4. Etnobotani
  5. Biologi Konservasi
  6. Etnobotani
Semester Genap
  1. Ekologi Tumbuhan
  2. Morfologi Tumbuhan
  3. Biologi Konservasi
  4. Kajian Lingkungan Hidup (KLH)
  5. Botani Farmasi (Jur. Farmasi FMIPA UNTAD)
  6. Dendrologi (Fakultas Kehutanan)


[expand title=”RIWAYAT PENDIDIKAN“]

No. Program Sarjana (S1) Magister (S2) Doktoral (S3)
2. Bidang Ilmu MIPA Biologi MIPA Biologi Biologi Tumbuhan (Taksonomi Tumbuhan)
3. Tahun Masuk 1983 1992 2002
4. Tahun Lulus 1989 1994 2006
5. Judul Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Pengaruh Pemberian Amonium Sulfat pada Medium Glukosa terhadap Pertumbuhan Rhizopus oligosporus Saito Penggunaan Limbah Batang Pisang sebagai Medium untuk Produksi Enzim Selulase oleh Trichoderma viridae Pers. dan Penicillium vermiculatum Dangeard. Structure and Composition of Vegetation in Six (6) Land Use Types In the Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
6. Nama Pembimbing Prof. Jasmi Jusfah, MS Dra. Arbayah Siregar, M.Sc Prof. Dr. Edi Guhardja, M.Sc
Ir. Darsono Sastrodihardjo, MS Dra. Nuryati Djuli, MS Prof. Dr. Christoph Leuschner
Dr. Johanis P. Mogea
Dr. Ir. H. Dede Setiadi


No. Nama Program Tempat Waktu
1. Training on  Plant Taxonomy and Herbarium Management National Herbarium of Nederland (NHN), Leiden-Netherland. Supervisor : Prof. Pieter Baas dan Dr. Paul J.A. Kessler September – Desember 2005
2. Training on Statistical Analyses of Biodiversity Department of Systematic Botany University of Gottingen, Germany. Collaborator : Dr. Michael Kessler Oktober 2005
3. Ecological plot establishment, Tree identification and Herbarium Management STORMA Project, Kerjasama UNTAD-IPB-GAUG (Kassel University) – Palu. Collaborator : Dr. Paul J.A. Kessler dan Prof. S.R. Gradstein Agustus – Oktober 2007
4. Research Fellowship Department of Vegetation Analyses, University of Gottingen, Germany. Collaborator : Prof. Dr. Michael Kessler dan Dr. Heike Culmsee Mei – Juni 2008
5. Academic Staff Exchange Program, ERASMUS MUNDUS External Cooperation Window. EURASIA Project. Urban Institute, University of College Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland.  Collaborator : Dr. Raquel M. Cabral 1 April  2009 – Juni 2009
6. Academic Recharging Program.(PAR- C).  Funded by Republic of  Indonesia. Directorate General Higher Education, The Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia. School of Botany, The Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia. Collaborator: Prof. Ian Woodrow dan Dr. Gillian Brown. 21 September – 12 Desember 2011


No. Tahun Judul Penelitian Sumber Pendanaan Jumlah
1. 2007 Biodiversity Studies in the Morowali Nature Reserves The Nature Conservancy 80.000.000
2. 2008 Studi Etnoekologi Masyarakat Tao Taa Wana di Cagar Alam Morowali The Nature Conservancy 40.000.000
3. 2008 Ethnoecological Study of Tao Taa Wana People at the Morowali Nature Reserves The Nature Conservancy (TNC) 40.000.000
4. 2008 Kajian beberapa Aspek Botani Anggrek Endemik Coelogyne celebensis JJS di Taman Nasional Lore Lindu Sulawesi Tengah (Tahap I) Fundamental
5. 2009 Kajian beberapa Aspek Botani Anggrek Endemik Coelogyne celebensis JJS di Taman Nasional Lore Lindu Sulawesi Tengah (Lanjutan/ Tahap II) Fundamental
6. 2011 Study Ethnofarmasi di Lembah Palu DIPA Univ. Tadulako Palu 40.000.000


No. Tahun Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sumber Pendanaan Jumlah
1. 2008 Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Obat di Desa Pakuli dan Pelabelan Pohon Sulawesi Tengah Mandiri 1.000.000
2. 2009 Inventarisasi Pohon Berguna di Desa Toro, Taman Nasional Lore Lindu Mandiri 1.000.000
3. 2011 Teknik Pengolahan Rumput laut menjadi Agar-Agar di Sulawesi Tengah IBM 39.000.000


No. Judul Artikel Ilmiah Volume/Nomor/Tahun Nama Jurnal
1. Schultze C.H., Walter M., Kessler P.J.A., Pitopang R., Shahabudin, Vaddeler D., Steffan-Dewenter I., Muhleberg M., Leuschner C., Gradstein S.R., Tscharntke T., 2004. Biodiversity Indicator Taxa of Tropical Land-Use Systems; comparing plants, birds and insects Volume 14;1321-1333, 2004 Journal of Ecological Applications
2. Kessler M., Kessler P.J.A., Gradstein R., Bach K., Schmull M., Pitopang R., 2005. Tree diversity in Primary Forest and Different Land Use Systems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Volume 14:547-560,2005 Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
3. Culmsee H., Pitopang R., Mangopo H., Sabir S., 2011. Tree Diversity and Phytogographical Patterns of Tropical High Mountain rain forests in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Volume 20:1103-1123, 2011 Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
4. Leuschner, C,  Bohman K, Kessler PJA and  Pitopang R. 2006. Influence of Sampling Strategy on The Distinction Between Tropical Pioneer and Non Pioneer Forest Species Volume 12 : 151 -160. 2006 Journal of Ecotropica. Society for Tropical Ecology
5. Dewenter, I. Kessler M,  Barkmann, J,, Bos M, Buchori D,  Erasmi,  Faust H, Gerold G, Glenk K, Gradstein SR, Guhardja E, Harteveld M, Hertel D, Höhn P, Kappas M, Köhler S, Leuschner C, Maertens M, Marggraf M, Migge-Kleian S, Mogea JP, Ramadanil Pitopang, Schaefer M, Schwarze S, Sporn S, Steingrebe A, Tjitrosoedirdjo S,  Tjitrosoemito S, Twele A, Weber R, Woltmann L, Zeller M, Tscharntke T. 2007. Tradeoffs between Income, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Functioning during Tropical Rainforest Conversion and Agroforestry Intensification Procceding of the National Academy of Sciences  (PNAS) the United Stated of  America.
March 2007
Procceding of the National Academy of Sciences  (PNAS) the United Stated of  America.
March 2007
6. Pitopang R. 2007. Komunitas Tumbuhan Bawah Pada 2 Tipe Hutan yang berbeda Intensitas Pemanfaatannya di Taman Nasional Lore Lindu Sulawesi Tengah Vol. 3 September 2007 Journal Agroland
7. Pitopang R. 2007. Herbarium Celebense (CEB) History, Research Activity and Achievement ( 2000-2007). Vol. 1. No.. Desember 2007 Journal Biocelebes
8. Ramadanil Pitopang , Khairuddin I. 2008. Tree Diversity in Six Land Use Types Differing in Use Intensity in Central Sulawesi Indonesia Vol 14, No 1. Januari 2008. Journal Eugenia
9. Ramadanil Pitopang. 2008. Ethnoecology of Local People in Biodiversity Perspective (Cases study of Toro People in Central Sulawesi) Vol.1, Sept. 2008 Journal of Biodiversity of Wallacea. Research Institute Tadulako University
10. Ramadanil. Tjitrosoedirdjo SS  and Setiaidi D.  2008. Structure and Composition of Understory Plant assemblages of Six Land Use Types in The Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Indonesia. 15 (1)  : 1-12, 2008 (June). Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy .
11. Ramadanil Pitopang. 2010. Kajian Beberapa Aspek Botani Anggrek Coelogyne celebensis JJS. dari Taman Nasional Lore Lindu Sulawesi Tengah. Volume 4, No.1, 2010 Jurnal Biocelebes,
12. Clough Y, D. Dwi Putra, Ramadanil Pitopang and T. Tschharntke. 2009. Local and Landscape Factors Determine Functional Bird Diversity in Indonesia. Vol. 142 (2009) 1032-1041 J. Biological Conservation
13. Kessler M, S. Abrahamcyik, M. Bos, D. Buchori, D. D. Putra, S.R. Gradstein, P. Horn, J. F. Orend,  Ramadhanil Pitopang, Shahabuddin, C.H. Schultze, S.G. Sporn, I.S. Dewenter, S.S. Tjitrosudirdjo, and T. Tschantke. 2009. Alpha and Beta Diversity of Plants and Animals Along a Tropical land Use-Gradient. Vol. 19 (8). 2009. Pp. 2142-2156 J. Ecological Application
14. Culmsee H, Leuschner C, Mosser G and Ramadanil Pitopang. 2010. Forest Aboveground Biomass along an Elevational Transect in Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the Role of Fagaceae in Tropical Montane Rain Forests. Vol. 37. 960-974. 2010 Journal of Biogeography (J.Biogeogr.)  Printed Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
15. Kessler M, S. Abrahamcyik S,  Bos M, Buchori D,  Putra DD,  Gradstein SR, Horn P, Orend F,  Ramadanil Pitopang, Shahabuddin Saleh,, C.H. Schultze, S.G. Sporn, I.S. Dewenter, S.S. Tjitrosudirdjo, and T. Tschantke. 2010. Cost Effectiveness of Plant and Animal Biodiversity Indicators in Tropical Forest and Agroforest Habitats.. 2010 Journal of Applied Ecology. 2010. British Ecological Society
16. Culmsee, H. Ramadanil Pitopang, Mangopo, H and S. Sabir. 2011.Tree Diversity and Phytogeographical Patterns of Tropical High Mountain Rain Forest in Central Sulawesi Indonesia. Published online: Biodivers. Conservation. Springer.com


No. Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah/Seminar Judul Artikel Ilmiah Waktu dan Tempat
1. International Symposium ‘Land Use After Tsunami: Supporting Education, Research and Development in the Aceh Region. Impact of Forest Disturbance and Land Use Change on Tree Diversity in Tropical Rainforest Margins of the Lore Lindu National Park Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, November 4-6, 2008
2. International Symposium of Tropical Rain Forest and Agroforestry System under Global change. Biological Diversity of Morowali Nature Reserves Bali Indonesia. 4-9 October 2008
3. International Symposium of Tropical Rain Forest and Agroforestry System under Global Change. Structure and Floristic Composition of Old Growth Secondary Forest in the Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Indonesia Bali Indonesia. 4-9 October 2008
4. Seminar Nasional 1 Tahun FMIPA UNTAD Palu Hutan Tropis Indonesia, Keanekaragaman Hayati, Konservasinya dan Masalah Pemanasan Global Palu, 14 Oktober 2008
5. International Symposium of Indonesian Biodiversity Society Ethnoecological System of Tao Taa Wana in Morowali Nature Reserves, Central Sulawesi Univ. Sebelas Maret Solo.  Juni 2011
6. International Symposium of Indonesian Biodiversity Society Structure and Composition of Old Growth Secondary Forest and Comparison with Adjacent Primary Forest in the Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi Indonesia Univ. Sebelas Maret Solo.  Juni 2011
7. International Symposium of Indonesian Biodiversity Society Ten (10) Years of the Herbarium Celebense, Universitas Tadulako Palu Univ. Sebelas Maret Solo.  Juni 2011
8. Seminar Nasional Biologi Kajian Etnobotani Pada Masyarakat Laudje Di Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan. 11 mai 2012
9. Seminar Nasional Biologi Studi Floristik Tumbuhan Berkayu (Woddy Plant) Di Areal Kampus Universitas Tadulako Palu Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan. 11 mai 2012
10. International Symsposium of Assocaitaion of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Tree Diversity of 1 ha Plot of Old Growth Secondary Forest in Central Sulawesi Indonesia Hotel Hermes, Banda Aceh, 18-22 Maret 2013
11. International Symposium of Ethnobotany Advance of Ethnobotanical Study in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Antalya, Turkey. 2-5 November 2013
12. International Symposium of Ethnobotany Ethnobotanical Study of Kaili Inde Tribe in Central Sulawesi Indonesia Antalya, Turkey. 2-5 November 2013
13. Seminar Nasional Semirata, FMIPA Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan di Cagar Alam Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah Bogor, 12 Juni 2014


No. Judul  Buku Tahun Jumlah Halaman Penerbit
1. Tree Species Diversity relative to Human Land Uses in Tropical Rain forest Margins in Central Sulawesi, in. Land use and Nature Conservation 2007 page 321-334 Spinger-Verlag, Heidelberg
2. Pengenalan Famili-Famili Tumbuhan Berkayu Sulawesi 2008 102 UNTAD PRESS
ISBN: 978-979-3701-72-1
3. Ekologi Hutan Tropis 2008 99 UNTAD PRESS
4. Profil Herbarium Celebense dan Deskripsi 100 Jenis Pohon Khas Sulawesi 2011 128 UNTAD PRESS
ISBN: 978-970-3701-64-6


  1. Filipina, mengikuti Internatiopnal Symposium of Flora Malesiana IV, Los Banos, The Phillipines, (2004).
  2. Belanda, Mengikuti Herbarium Management di National Herbarium of Netherland, Leiden, Netherland (September – November 2005).
  3. Jerman , Mengikuti International Symposium STORMA RESEARCH Project. Gottingen, Jerman (2005).
  4. Belanda, Mengikuti Herbarium Management di National Herbarium of Netherland, Leiden, Netherland (2008).
  5. Jerman , Mengikuti Statistical Analyses for Biodiversity. Gottingen, Jerman (April, 2008).
  6. Ireland , Mengikut Academic Staff Exchange, Eurasia Project. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. Uiniversity of College Dublin Ireland (2009).
  7. Australia, mengikuti Program Academic Recharghing (PAR-B) di University of Melbourne (September – Desember 2011).
  8. Turkey, Mengikuti International of Ethnobotany di Antalya, Turkey (2 – 5 November 2014).
